As you can tell, I really wanted to go with the winter romance theme. Since it doesn't snow or get too crazy cold in California, I might as well read about it and live vicariously through all the characters!
Let it Snow by John Green, Lauren Myracle, and Maureen Johnson
I'll be honest—John Green caught my attention and made me want to read this book. I'm really excited for this one because a review on Goodreads labeled it as having the "feel of an ABC Family made-for-TV holiday special" ... YES PLEASE.
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Priscilla, also known as The Readables on YouTube, gave this an awesome review so I'm reading it. I don't have any expectations of this book because I don't know what it's about (and I'm going to keep it that way until I read it because I don't want to be affected by anyone's opinion!)
Icing on the Lake by Catherine Clark
Although I read this around four years ago, I wanted to read it again because I remember enjoying it. Brain, don't fail me now.
Love on the Lifts by Rachel Hawthorne
Another book I've read before, but I have no recollection since I zoomed through this on an airplane ride to England. It'll probably be just like I'm reading another new book :p
Although I only read three out of the four books I chose last month, I will definitely be able to finish four this month since I'll be out of school on December 13th. It also happens to be the same day as Taylor Swift's 24th birthday, which means we'll both be celebrating (but for different reasons, haha.)
Anyway, which book (or books) are you planning to read in December?
If you're going to join me, let me know so we can have a discussion :)
If you're going to join me, let me know so we can have a discussion :)
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