Ever since I started watching book-related videos on YouTube, I've been exposed to many more types of books and series. Although I love reading I don't consider myself to have read a lot of books, so I thought it would be better to focus my "top 5" lists on bookish things I hope to achieve this year instead of on things I have achieved. (We'll save the favorites for 2015! :p)
Here are the top 5 trilogies I hope to start this year:
5. Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness
Although I have never read anything by Patrick Ness, I have heard nothing but positive reviews about his books. I bought the first book, The Knife of Never Letting Go, in the UK paperback (which is BEAUTIFUL, by the way!) and will be reading it as soon as I am in the mood to.
4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Because the last book, Dreams of Gods and Monsters, was just released, I've been seeing some of my friends on Goodreads marking this trilogy as "currently reading" or "to read". I honestly don't know anything about the storyline, so this is just a random pick :p
3. Legend by Marie Lu
Out of the five trilogies on this list, Legend is probably the most well-known. I am a little embarrassed to have not read this yet, but I will make it happen this year!
2. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
I found out about this trilogy through Kassidy Voinche, a book vlogger on YouTube. The covers are so pretty and I always enjoy anything published by HarperCollins.
1. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
Dystopian stories are probably my favorite to read, so I know I will enjoy this trilogy. I own the first book, but I haven't gotten around to reading it because I let one of my friends borrow it. I am somewhat on a contemporary kick right now, so hopefully I can get around to reading it in the fall!
Have you read any trilogies recently? Which one is your favorite?
PS — Stay tuned for my "Trilogies to Finish" video! I'm planning to film it in the near future :)
I heard Legend and Daughter of Smoke and Bone are really good, and I'm thinking I should start them too!
Ooh fun trilogies adventure!